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Synthetic antibodies against BRIL as universal fiducial marks for single-particle cryoEM structure determination of membrane proteins., Mukherjee, Somnath, Erramilli Satchal K., Ammirati Mark, Alvarez Frances J. D., Fennell Kimberly F., Purdy Michael D., Skrobek Blazej M., Radziwon Katarzyna, Coukos John, Kang Yanyong, et al. , Nat Commun, March 27 2020, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.1598, (2020)
Structures of ABCB4 provide insight into phosphatidylcholine translocation., Nosol, Kamil, Bang-Sørensen Rose, Irobalieva Rossitza N., Erramilli Satchal K., Stieger Bruno, Kossiakoff Anthony A., and Locher Kaspar P. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2021 Aug 17, Volume 118, Issue 33, (2021)
Structure of an AMPK complex in an inactive, ATP-bound state., Yan, Yan, Mukherjee Somnath, Harikumar Kaleeckal G., Strutzenberg Timothy S., X Zhou Edward, Suino-Powell Kelly, Xu Ting-Hai, Sheldon Ryan D., Lamp Jared, Brunzelle Joseph S., et al. , Science, 2021 Jul 23, Volume 373, Issue 6553, p.413-419, (2021)
Structure and mechanism of the ER-based glucosyltransferase ALG6., Bloch, Joël S., Pesciullesi Giorgio, Boilevin Jérémy, Nosol Kamil, Irobalieva Rossitza N., Darbre Tamis, Aebi Markus, Kossiakoff Anthony A., Reymond Jean-Louis, and Locher Kaspar P. , Nature, 03/2020, Volume 579, Issue 7799, p.443-447, (2020)
Structure and drug resistance of the Plasmodium falciparum transporter PfCRT., Kim, Jonathan, Tan Yong Zi, Wicht Kathryn J., Erramilli Satchal K., Dhingra Satish K., Okombo John, Vendome Jeremie, Hagenah Laura M., Giacometti Sabrina I., Warren Audrey L., et al. , Nature, 2019 12, Volume 576, Issue 7786, p.315-320, (2019)
Structural basis for activation of voltage sensor domains in an ion channel TPC1., Kintzer, Alexander F., Green Evan M., Dominik Pawel K., Bridges Michael, Armache Jean-Paul, Deneka Dawid, Kim Sangwoo S., Hubbell Wayne, Kossiakoff Anthony A., Cheng Yifan, et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018 09 25, Volume 115, Issue 39, p.E9095-E9104, (2018)

University of Toronto  UCSF  The University of Chicago  QB3  Chicago Biomedical Consortium