Structure of human NTCP reveals the basis of recognition and sodium-driven transport of bile salts into the liver.

TitleStructure of human NTCP reveals the basis of recognition and sodium-driven transport of bile salts into the liver.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsLiu, Hongtao, Irobalieva Rossitza N., Bang-Sørensen Rose, Nosol Kamil, Mukherjee Somnath, Agrawal Parth, Stieger Bruno, Kossiakoff Anthony A., and Locher Kaspar P.
PubMed ID35726088
PubMed Central IDPMC9343345
Grant ListR01 GM117372 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

University of Toronto  UCSF  The University of Chicago  QB3  Chicago Biomedical Consortium